I am a British Composer, Conductor, Orchestrator and Organist based in Kent, England. I’ve lived in Kent all my life.
I started writing music at the age of 7 – I started to learn the Piano shortly afterwards. It was then that I also came across the music of Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Strauss and others. While at King’s School Rochester, I taught myself the Organ and was afterwards playing the Cathedral Organ for School services, all the while broadening my own personal education in music (I studied mostly the Sciences in my later years at School.)
As a Composer, I have been writing music for over 20 years. My compositional output for the most part, especially earlier on, is directed mostly as my own instrument, the Organ. After composing numerous pieces for the Organ, I branched out and wrote for other mediums, including the Violin, Piano, Cello, SATB Choir (both accompanied and unaccompanied) and most recently, String Quartets.
In 2011, my musical interests took a massive change. I saw the Nintendo E3 Summit from the (then) Nokia Theatre in LA. It was the special 25th Anniversary of the Legend of Zelda and, being a passionate Nintendo lover, I was completely transfixed by the whole scale of the spectacle, especially the Live Orchestra!! I quickly started going to the Symphony of the Goddesses Concert whenever it came to the UK. It was then that I wanted to become involved in the Video Game Concert industry and make some contribution to music from another great passion of mine: Video Gaming. I had been playing Nintendo Video Games almost as long as I had been composing, and the wonderful worlds of the Legend of Zelda and Super Mario were a huge part of my past. I started playing Ocarina of Time when it was released, then the later games one by one after that, all the way up to the most recent ones: Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild. After writing a piece of my own, I then wrote music for the Symphony of the Goddesses Concert.
At the present, my aims/objectives include composing/conducting music for Video Game Soundtracks/Arrangements as well as the popular Classical music genres, and also to bring my own music to a wider audience.